This thread is a compiled list of resources and tools that can help players of all levels. If you have a guide you want featured send me a DM and I'll add it to the list.
Video Guides:
The Trek Time Team (with Automaton_2000 hosting) has produced four essential video guides for new players on Timelines, essential watches!
Timelines Talks - The ongoing Talk Show for all thing Star Trek: Timelines!
If you don't know what Discord is, it's a chat tool designed to bring gaming communities together and Timelines has a couple of Discords communities represented.
Star Trek: Tilting Point: The official Discord for Star Trek: Timelines and Star Trek: Legends, run by Tilting Point themselves. Very friendly group of players willing to help and discuss all things Timelines and Legends.
Star Trek Timelines Discord: Another Timelines Discord hosted by Stellar Ice and KingLouie. Contains discussion about Wiki data entry and a number of useful bots for getting information on crew and stats. Join the weekly episode viewings too.
Trek Time Discord: Discord server for the #1 Premium, Exclusive Talk Show for all things Star Trek Timelines. Contains show chat as well as Timelines discussion. Also is the hub for 12 hour voyagers, Nightmare mode and our STA streams.
STT Community Core: This is the server for any community tools as well as the main discussion point for anything relating to the Datacore. If you have any development experience or interested in functions of the Datacore check it out.
New Players
The Datacore: A very good resource for crew information as well as behold helpers and voyage calculations. Features comprehensive information about all crew in the game and analysis on your own roster. The voyage calculator is one of the most essential tools in the game.
The Big Book Of Behold Advice: A large colated Tier list of all crew in the game alongside informative notes and relative rankings. Also features handy Gauntlet feature and top captain's lists.
The CAB Crew Power Ratings Tool: The CABs Guide to crew rankings and ratings.
Star Trek Timelines Wiki: Community led wiki of all information about Timelines. This should be your first stop for any information about the game. Everything from crew stats to event information is featured here.
Travis S McClain's Guide To Crew Management And Dismissal Decisions: A guide on who best to keep and who to show out the airlock. Ideal for new players looking to free up some crew slots.
Exo Event Guide: Exo's guide to event types and how to effectively participate.
Dilemma Options (From The Wiki): A quick link straight from the timelines wiki, a list of all Dilemma options presented in the game. Bookmark this, you will refer to it a lot.
Cadet Challenge Reference Sheet: A small sheet of essential cadet crew needed to complete each mission. Very handy for new players.
Crew Analysis:
The Timelines Backend Stats Super Hyper Edition: A comprehensive list of all crew stats in the game. But also features Pair/Triplet Data and many other extraneous statistics.
Captain Idol's Datacore Analysis Sheet (CIDAS): My own sheet for taking a Datacore import and extrapolating lots of data from your own crew roster. A good tool to finding out where you might be lacking a certain skill set. Also features a Voyage Calculator and custom Collections. Now 5.0!
The "Do Not Airlock" Checklist: The latest version of the DNA List, a guide aimed at helping overcrowded rosters decide who should be kept.
Captain Idol's Voyage Analysis Sheet (CIVAS): A manual entry sheet for keeping track of who is and isn't making the best use of voyages for your roster. Essential tool if you want to manage crew slots and airlock/freeze those who are not making themselves useful
Captain Idol's Collection Analysis Sheet (CICAS): A comprehensive guide to all your collections, including analysis into which crew will fill multiple collections and how close you are to filling them.
Resource Management
Chronometrics [CAB] Beta 1.2: Dangevin's extremely useful tool to work out how best to farm equipment for both crew equipment and Galaxy farming.
IonDust's ISM Management Tool: A very handy sheet for working out the most optimal use of your ISM.
Take My Chrons, Please!: A tool to help you spend and/or waste your chrons to build up the right inventory by BBBinx.
Fleet Boss Battle Tools
CAB Fleet Boss Battles Helper: A tool from CAB to help find the best crew to aid with FBB combo's.
Mu'ad Dave's FBB Combo Tool: Another FBB Combo Tool from Mu'ad Dave.
FAST (Fleet Arena, Skirmish and Team Tool): A more comprehensive look at ship abilities for finding the best setup for your ship battle lineup.
Automaton_2000's Tanking Shuttles Guide: Interested in Tanking Shuttles for fun and profit, look inside! Highly advised for every player.
Faction Mission Rewards List: This is a quick guide to all the items you get from faction missions.
Darth Skippy's Ultimate Farming Guide: A big sheet filled with all the farming locations for items.
: A comprehensive list of all crew members ship abilities and bonuses run by [10F] Prime Lorca
All Crew 1-4 and 1-5 by Darth Skippy: A run down of all crew stats that are single star fused.
Galaxy Events Mission List: A perfect guide to rerun galaxy or hybrid missions. Find out how much it takes to build certain combinations and optimise your event strategy.
Seven Of One's Skirmish Prefarming Guide: A handy guide to which missions to focus on when farming items in Skirmishes for Galaxy events.